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The combination of obesity and prediabetes: understand how it works

Obesity is a problem that reduces our body's ability to use insulin to properly control blood sugar levels. With this, there is a great possibility that overweight people are part of the diabetic group. Most of the glucose in your body comes from the food you eat. When food is digested, sugar enters the bloodstream. Insulin allows sugar to enter cells – and lowers the amount of sugar in the blood. Insulin is produced by a gland located behind the stomach called the pancreas. Your pancreas sends insulin into your blood when you eat. When the blood sugar level starts to drop, the pancreas slows down the secretion of insulin into the blood. When you have pre-diabetes, this process doesn't work as well. As a result, instead of feeding the cells, sugar builds up in the bloodstream. This can happen because your pancreas may not produce enough insulin and your cells become resistant to insulin. A diagnosis of prediabetes means that the blood sugar level is above normal, but not at a level that makes you diabetic. If you are overweight, consider yourself obese and want to prevent the diagnosis of pre-diabetes or diabetes, there are some measures that can help you in this process:  
    • Get tested frequently and if you are positive for pre-diabetes or diabetes, see a doctor;
    • Maintain a healthy diet by eliminating carbohydrates such as bread, cakes, pies, pasta, sweets and soda;
    • Practice physical exercises daily.

Pre-diabetes symptoms:

Pre-diabetes has no symptoms, but if you start to have any of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, it means you've probably already developed it. Therefore, it's important to know the risk factors and what support is available to help you prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. - to learn more, click here: (insert a link to another article) Many people don't experience any symptoms when it comes to type 2 diabetes or don't notice them.  

But watch out for these signs:

    • Feels dry mouth and increased thirst;
    • Goes to the bathroom more often, especially at night;
    • You're feeling more tired because your body can't get enough glucose into your cells for energy.
    • Itching in private parts;
    • Cuts and wounds taking longer to heal;
    • Blurry vision.
  Please keep in mind the signs and if you are showing any of them, we recommend that you seek a medical appointment as soon as possible, as this will definitely contribute to the control and your general well-being.
March 6, 2023

How to lose weight healthily?

It is guaranteed that the combination of an efficient diet and the regular practice of regular physical exercises is the key to success for anyone looking to stay in good shape. So how can you be sure you're making the right decisions when it comes to diet and exercise? The Full Wellness Today team is here to help you with 10 tips to lose weight quickly and healthily. Check out:
  1. Choose Healthy Foods

When trying to lose weight, one of the most important things you can do is focus on eating as healthy as possible. Choose foods rich in fibre, protein and healthy fats to help you feel full. Avoid processed and sugary foods as they will not provide your body with the nutrients it needs to boost metabolism and stay healthy.
  1. Eat regular meals

Regular meals throughout the day help keep your metabolism running at a steady pace. Eating several smaller meals will help keep your energy levels high and will inevitably help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. Eating regularly also regulates satiety and with that, you will feel less hungry.
  1. Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for weight loss. Drinking at least eight glasses of water daily will help keep your body hydrated and improve your digestion. Water can also help you stay full and avoid the infamous snacking habit all the time.
  1. Eat and drink mindfully

Conscious eating and drinking are key disciplines when it comes to weight loss. Ensure you manage your time when eating and enjoying your food and drink. Many people eat and drink too fast, which reduces the chances of losing weight. Mindful eating and drinking will help you feel full and prevent overeating.
  1. Sleep tight

Getting enough sleep is essential when you're on the road to weight loss. Not getting enough sleep can cause your body to produce hormones that can interfere with the process. Health experts recommend seven to eight hours of sleep each night to ensure your body gets the rest it needs.
  1. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is a key factor in weight loss. You should focus on at least thirty minutes of physical activity every day. This can be a combination of aerobic activities and weight training. Exercise will not only help you burn calories, but it will also help you build muscle, which will increase your metabolism and raise your energy level and well-being.
  1. Take Supplements

Taking supplements these days can be a game changer when it comes to weight loss. Supplements like protein powder, omega-3 fatty acids and green tea extract can help speed up your metabolism and provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Please be sure to speak with your doctor before you take any supplements.
  1. Cut refined carbs

Refined carbohydrates like white bread, white rice and sugary foods can raise your blood sugar levels and cause your body to store more fat. Cutting out refined carbs can help reduce your calorie intake and help you lose weight faster.
  1. Track your progress

Keeping track of your progress is important when it comes to weight loss. Tracking your progress will help keep you motivated and focused on your goals. You can track your progress by taking body measurements, weighing yourself, and keeping a food diary. But don't stress about it too much as sometimes progress slows down and up from time to time and that's normal.
  1. Get support

Getting support from family and friends is essential in the weight loss journey. A support system can help keep you motivated and on track with your goals. Lean on your friends and family for encouragement and support. But remember, you are self-responsible for your life. They can help, but only you can change yourself. Losing weight can be challenging, but it is possible with the proper diet, exercise plan, motivation, discipline and help. We hope these 10 tips can help you make the right decisions every day so that you can lose weight in a healthy and safe way. If you really want to lose weight, in the healthy, fast and most efficient way possible, do like the more than 121 thousand people who have already benefited from it.
February 28, 2023

4 attitudes you need to have to age well

Do you know what attitudes you should take to age in a healthy way? Ageing is a process that happens to everyone naturally and there is no way to escape it. As the years go by, our bodies begin to decrease the production of natural resources that we all need and with that, the inevitable symptoms of ageing arise and develop. Some of these ageing symptoms are the famous wrinkles and or crow's feet, decreased muscle strength, skin and bone fragility, excessive snoring, and weight gain or loss, among others. But the good news is that these symptoms can be prevented or reduced through some measures you can take to maintain vitality:
  1. Practice exercises

Experts in the field recommend that physical exercise routines be practised in the morning, although some can only and prefer to practice in the afternoon, or at the end of the day. Physical exercises will leave you with a high heart rate, preventing the relaxation essential to contribute to a good night's sleep, so it is recommended to exercise up to 3 hours before bedtime. And we must not forget the importance of not exaggerating the frequency and starting at a pace that your body will support (ideally, I'd like to ask for a professional).
  1. Practice Yoga

The practice of Yoga contributes to relaxation, and meditation, and increases the ability to concentrate in addition to producing various benefits for the mind and body, some of them are: Regulates blood circulation; Balances the nervous and endocrine systems; Improves the functioning of the heart; Helps with breathing control; Controls hormone levels; Combat stress.
  1. Healthy eating

Eating healthy is an excellent way to live for the elderly with quality, eating the right foods in the right amount daily, provides the vitamins and nutrients needed to build a healthier body. But over the years, at a certain point, our body may not absorb nutrients properly, and food supplementation can be requested through supplements and vitamins according to medical guidance and prescription.
  1. Take care of mental health

Taking care of mental health is just as important as taking care of physical health. It's no use taking care of just one side, it's like a real plane, and both wings need to be in good condition. Invest in good habits to preserve the health of your mind. Maintain an active social life and healthy relationships, be around optimistic, happy people, join groups, and communities, and socialize as much as you can. Read good books, watch good movies, take courses, dance, always smile and focus on positive thoughts. Start preparing yourself today to live the third age in a more active way with joy and happiness!
February 25, 2023

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