
Break Free from Impulsive Buying: 7 Expert Tips to Control Your Spending Habits

Spending too much money is a complaint you hear from your spouse or partner? How surprised are you to find that you charged more than you thought on your credit card each month? Is your closet filled with more shoes and clothes than you can possibly wear? Have you purchased every new gadget before it …

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The Concept of Spirituality in Different Religions

Spirituality is a concept that has been explored and understood in countless ways by different religions or ethnic groups around the world throughout human existence. In this article, we will concisely explore the concept of spirituality from the perspectives of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. The objective here is not to exhaust the theme, but …

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The origin and importance of Emotional Intelligence

  The beginning of EI The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) first emerged with Charles Darwin, who noted the importance of emotional expression for people’s survival and adaptation. Over the years, several theorists and researchers, such as Edward Thorndike, David Wechsler, and Abraham Maslow, among others, have gone deeper into the theory and perfected the …

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Spirituality: Basic concepts for a better understanding

Since the emergence of human beings, spirituality has been expressed in countless ways. In the 21st century, the multiple expressions of spirituality make the task of helping to understand and encourage a spiritual experience that seeks a full and healthy life for each individual even more difficult. Thus, spirituality is the state and nature of …

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12 mistakes you should avoid making when setting goals for a new year

Starting a new year often brings with it a sense of renewal and the desire to set and achieve new goals. However, it is important to approach goal setting with care, as there are some mistakes that people often make that can impede their progress and the achievement of their goals. Here is a non-exhaustive …

12 mistakes you should avoid making when setting goals for a new year Read More »

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