Emotions: Learn how to use them to your advantage

Human beings have 4 basic emotions: Fear, Sadness, Anger and Joy.

We need to identify each one of them because many people suffer from paralyzing feelings, not knowing what they mean and this can create many other problems in our lives.

So let’s talk a little bit about each emotion:


  1. Fear – why do we feel it?

There are two groups of people: those who defend the idea that we should not be afraid, and those who believe that it is okay to be afraid.

Fear arises when you lack the preparation to face a certain situation.

When our security is threatened, the feeling of insecurity comes and we are certainly afraid because we don’t know what will happen.

In our day-to-day life, we come across people who are afraid: of heights, snakes, public speaking, terrorism, financial bankruptcy, spiders, and dogs, others are afraid of flying, closed places, losing their job, being alone, and dying…

It’s okay to be afraid, but we can’t let it dominate us, because the result of this feeling will certainly be a failure, losses, and impeding our potential, in short, fear paralyzes us and can often even kill our dreams.

How many opportunities have you missed in your life because you were afraid?


  1. Sadness

A feeling that, if not controlled, can lead us to emotional ruins, is usually related to losses.

Do you know someone who lives sadly? 

The person is always sad, discouraged, and lamenting about life.

It is a fact that we all go through times of sadness, many things can cause sadness, but it does not last forever, so we cannot let it invade/dominate our hearts.

We can’t live sadly, let’s understand that there’s a difference between living and staying.


  1. Anger

Anger is defined as a feeling of protest, insecurity, revolt or frustration against someone or something.

We are all human and children of God, so it is normal to feel angry at certain times of great stress, but we must know how to control it, as it is a feeling that, if not moderated, can harm us and put us in a very embarrassing situation.

After all, this feeling often makes us spend the whole day in a bad mood.


  1. Happiness

Joy infects people, the environment, the family, the church, and society, that is, wherever the happy person arrives, everyone wants to be close to them.

It’s good to be around happy people, isn’t it?

People who have a positive energy, who are always smiling, who feel happier and make everything more pleasant.

Even if they go through difficult times, happy people have a more grateful heart, are stronger and feel more prepared to face life’s challenges.

Most people who do not learn and cannot manage their thoughts and emotions more easily become victims of the environment in which they live and the sources of tension.

These, put themselves in a position of victimization and not transforming agents of their reality.

Writer Oscar Wilde once wisely said,

I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to know how to use them, enjoy them and master them”.

Our life is already challenging in itself, every day we have challenges, we have difficulties, and life is not as easy as it seems in the fairy tale.

Therefore, knowing how to correctly use our emotions on a daily basis is fundamental for our life to prosper, for the strengthening of self-knowledge and, consequently, for personal development, for activation of our potential and for building healthy relationships throughout our lives.

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